Dick McCaleb

Richard F. McCaleb
(210) 826-0036 ext. 230
(210) 710-3969 cell

Brief History

Dick McCaleb, a native San Antonian, graduated with honors from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in Real Estate in 1983.

Actively involved in the commercial real estate industry since graduation, Mr. McCaleb started his career as a loan officer with Commerce Savings where he was responsible for originating and servicing multifamily, retail, office and land development loans throughout Texas and the Southwest. Following his employment with Commerce Savings, he joined Ed Flume Investments, a local San Antonio investment and development company that was involved in the development of rural single family large lot developments, residential condominium development, small retail development and land syndication.

When the economy fell into a recession in the mid 80’s, opportunities at the company vanished and Mr. McCaleb joined Excel Banc Savings, a Laredo based thrift that was slated to be a surviving entity under the RTC’s Southwest Plan. At Excel he was responsible for restructuring and servicing an ever-growing portfolio of failing real estate loans. As it became apparent that Excel Banc would not survive, Mr. McCaleb decided to take personal control of his career path and secured a franchise agreement with Blockbuster Video for development of a store in Nacogdoches, Texas which he owned and operated from 1990 to 2010.

In 1991 he formed RFM Commercial. Twenty-six years later, through hard work, integrity, good decisions, a great support staff and support of the San Antonio real estate community, RFM Commercial has become one of San Antonio’s most respected local real estate offices.

Mr. McCaleb has been married for 30 years to his wife, Serena. They have two daughters, Madeleine and Anna, who have graduated from The University of Texas at Austin and employed in Austin and one son, Jack, who attends Texas A&M.